The Thermalbad at the swiss ‘Kurort’ Vals, in the mountains near Chur, built by Peter Zumthor and widely published. Aber Leider. What if the healthy spring that originated Vals being a Kurort got exhausted? Suppose this ‘ort’ would newly be colonized... This time by gay people in a gradual proces. What will happen if the Genesis Of ESOAD© would happen here? From adding benches and attractions to a topological inversion of the bath: to discover the dark instead of moving from the dark towards the healing mountain-light-baths. On next pages steps from the Genesis Of ESOAD© are shown: adding the furnishing according to the Genesis Of ESOAD©-diagram, that finally affects the use of the entire building, by reversing it.
1998 Onderzoek Berlage Instituut met Bart Lootsma
Web Creator
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